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February 14 to August 30, 2015

Palazzo Fava 14 February - 17 May 2015
Seven centuries of art, with 180 works made by artists from Bologna or that are permanently on show in the city, coming from private and public collections. Works from Cimabue to Morandi selected and reinterpreted by Vittorio Sgarbi.
On this special occasion they are all gathered in a single location, Palazzo Fava, in those rooms where Ludovico, Agostino and Annibale Carracci were asked to make their splendid fresco decorations in 1584 by the Count Filippo Fava.
The exhibition is a journey through the history of Italian art from the end of the 13th to the 20th century.
The exhibition presents a rich selection of paintings and sculptures coming from Bologna churches, municipal museums, institutions and private collections. The goal of the exhibition is to give visitors a wide point of view of the most important moments of Bologna art development. On show masterpieces by Raphael (The Ecstasy of St. Cecilia), Giotto, Giovanni di Balduccio, Vitale da Bologna, Nicolò dell’Arca, Marco Zoppo, Ercole de’ Roberti, Parmigianino, Amico Aspertini, Alfonso Lombardi, Girolamo da Carpi, Nicolò dell’Abate, Bartolomeo Passerotti, Ludovico Agostino and Annibale Carracci, Domenichino, Mastelletta, Guido Reni, Simone Cantarini, Guercino, Guido Cagnacci, Carlo Cignani, Giovanni Antonio Burrini, Marcantonio Franceschini, Donato Creti, Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Ubaldo and Gaetano Gandolfi, Antonio Basoli, Raffaele Faccioli, Renato Bertelli, Carlo Corsi and Giorgio Morandi.
Further information on Da Cimabue a Morandi Felsina Pittrice